TW 100 F
The " TW 100 F Fly Away Transceiver " was built by Transworld (USA).
It was (for example) used by the US State Department.
It is a compact, fully transistorized, synthesizer- operated SSB- transceiver for the frequency range of 1.6 to 30 MHz;
channel spacing is 100 Hz.
The transceiver is built into an aluminium suitcase, and secured by four rubber shock-absorbers.
the suitcase even fits under the seat of an aeroplane.
TW 100 F [ < klick ]
It has 100 memory channels, 2 to 98 channels can be scanned.
the output power is 10 or 125 W.
All operational elements are on the front plate; the frequency (6 digits) is entered by keyboard.
The power supply is 12V DC or 115, 230 or 240V AC at 50, 60 or 400 Hz.
At DC the voltage never should drop below 11V.
The circuits are contained in 6 containers, connected by SMA plugs (see picture gallery).
The built in ATU is operated by hand, and a variety of rod antennas, wire antennas, dipoles and other
50-ohm-antennas can be matched.
Protection circuits against antenna mismatch are built in, like open or short circuit antenna output.
The accessories are contained in two plastic bags inside the suitcase.
A handset, a wire antenna, connecting cables, adapters for foreign power supplies are part of the accessories.
The radio can go on air within minutes.
Usually the radio is operated inside the suitcase; it can be taken out by loosening four wingnuts on the shock absorbers.
Optional accessories (not present) are:
TW5201 remote control
TW5800 telephone coupler
TW5500 RTTY terminal
AT100 external ATU
TW100PP portable battery in an extra suitcase.
- Frequency range:
- 1.6 ... 30 MHz
Technical data:
- HF power:
- 10 or 125W
- Frequenzabstand:
- 100 Hz
- Memory channels:
- 100, simplex and half-duplex
- Antenna impedance:
- 6, 12, 50 or 120 Ohm
- Modes:
- A3J, (USB and LSB), A3H (AM), A1 (CW), optional F1 (RTTY).
- Consumption at 13.6V, 125W and SSB:
- receiving 600 mA; transmitting 12 A
- NF output:
- 4W at 3 Ohm (internal loudspeaker)
- Transceiver, size and weight:
- 43,2 x 14 x 28,7 cm, 10 kg
- Complete suitcase, size and weight:
- 53 x 18 x 33 cm; 14 kg
- Built:
- presumably 1990 (the handbook dates from 1990)