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The AN/PRC-68 Legacy
D. Tasker, WA1NYR
additional information supplied by Dennis Starks
In the annals of US Military Portables, only four
types have produced more than one “offspring,” at least by my definition (A
production unit that offered some significant difference from its production
unit parent that was not just an MWO). These four are as follows.
The RT-10 (RT-10,
RT-20, URC-10, RT-60, RT-60B, and PRC-93)
rescue radios.
The AN/PRC-90 (PRC-90,
103, 106, 125, and 96) rescue radios.
The AN/PRC-74 (74,
74A, 74B, and 74C) HF Special Forces radios.
The AN/PRC-68 (68,
68A, 68B, 126,128, and 136) squad radios.
The following discussion will explain to some
degree the story of the AN/PRC-68, the first synthesized U.S. military handheld
radio, and the similar but improved products that followed, all of which came
out of Magnavox (now Raytheon) in Fort Wayne, Indiana starting sometime in 1976.
Ref #1, 6
A “Squad Radio” is a small tactical radio,
preferably operable with just one hand, which is intended for short-range
communications (around one mile). The World War II SCR-536/BC-611 was the first
real squad radio. Operating in the HF/AM mode with just 50-mW output power
maximum, it met with limited success. The early-to-mid 1950’s saw the
introduction of the AN/PRC-6, a much better radio. Operating in VHF/FM mode with
better than ¼ watt output power, it proved very successful.
The “History of the Squad Radio” was written in
1976, and chronicled the Army’s attempts over the years at developing a
replacement for the AN/PRC-6. Most attempts were either too heavy, lacked
performance, or were too expensive. In its latest attempt, the Army had been
concentrating on separate units; namely, the two-channel hand held AN/PRT-4
transmitter and the single channel helmet mounted AN/PRR-9 receiver. These met
with some success initially, but interest died quickly after that. Ref #11
Meanwhile, the Marine Corps grew tired of the
Army’s lack of response to its requests for the joint development of a
multi-channel squad transceiver (i.e. both transmitter and receiver in one case).
As an expedient, they combined the PRR-9 and PRT-4 in a single case and called
it the AN/PRC-88. Ref #1, 12
At about this same timeframe (1964), the Marine
Corps also initiated development on their own of an entirely new type of squad
radio. Information is sketchy as to what firms might have been involved in
initial trials, but single channel crystal/jumper synthesized prototype PRC-68
units made by Motorola do exist in the collecting community. An internal jumper
selected one of twelve possible channels. A change of crystals would apparently
change the location of these channels in the band of coverage. Smaller than the
eventual winner, an interesting feature of the Motorola unit is that the antenna
was built into the bottom of the case. There is also a provision for an external
antenna. It used two mercury batteries in the center of the unit. The bottom is
made of plastic and holds the antenna and crystals that are not in use. The
nameplate carries a 1968 contract date.
Eventually, a ten-channel synthesized version made
by Magnavox won out, and a production order was placed with them in 1976. Thus,
the legacy began. Ref #1, 5, 6, 7, 10
The Basic AN/PRC-68 Design
RT-1113/PRC-68 is the first of the synthesized hand held portables designed and
built by what was then Magnavox/Ft. Wayne, Indiana (since swallowed by Hughes
Electronics, which has since been swallowed by Raytheon). As such, it has some
advantages and disadvantages over the units that followed. The good news...
channels, synthesized, covering 30-79.95 MHz
size (about 8.5” high by 3.75” wide by 1.5” thick)
modular construction (8 modules)
solid state
SVM (secure voice module) can be added in the battery box
Options, short rubber, long rubber, or tape (same as the PRC-25 short antenna)
options, BA-1588 Mercury, BB-388 NMH, BB-? NiCad with it’s own case, BA-3588
Lithium, BB-588 NiCad
Hz sub-audible tone on Tx., carrier squelch on Rx
is by module replacement. There were eight different modules, each used once.
The functions were
is the unit most available today on the surplus market, selling for $200 and up,
and is the easiest to fix. It also covers 51 MHz, which seems to be the right
frequency for military communications equipment/vehicle owners to have. Ref #2,
The limitations of the basic PRC-68 design were as
50 kHz spacing instead of the then emerging new
standard of 25 kHz
Needs a field strength meter to tune the
antenna-matching network (1A5) when changing channel sets
The10 channels are in successive steps of 200 kHz
The AN/PRC-68A
RT-1113A/PRC-68A was the first attempt to solve some of the shortcomings of the
PRC-68. The designers lengthened the case by about an inch, changed to two
modules (The one on the front side is called the RF/IF Module, while the one in
the back is called the Synth/AF Module), and went to large chip Motorola
microcontroller (all of which became the standard for all models to come). The
set has 25 kHz channel spacing, does not need an FSM for tune up, and allows 10
channels to be randomly programmed as long as all ten are within one of the 4
slightly overlapping bands. These four bands are as follows.
carry a 1984 contract date. Ref #2, 4
PRC-68B was ordered by both the Marines and Air Force on what I suspect was
combined funding. Unexpectedly, this radio has the most functionality of any of
the Magnavox designed radios, including all that came later. A display was added
where the speaker/mic was, so the spkr/mic was moved to a projection of the top
piece (they call it the "panel"), making the unit 0.6 inches taller
than the PRC-68A (1.6 inches taller than the PRC-68). This size and the display
became the standard for all units to come, the only changes being in the
frequency setting controls. The antenna-tuning switch was moved to the front (the
unit beeps at you when you do not have it set right). This allows all 10
channels to be randomly programmed anywhere in the band of coverage. This unit
also handles Tx to Rx offsets (for repeaters). Two features unique to the
"B" model only are that it allows the channels to be set in 2.5 kHz
increments, making it compatible with almost any band plan anywhere, and each
channel can be programmed as a narrow band channel (i.e. like the hams, police
and fire, etc.) or as a wide band channel (military). The unit could be switched
from low band (30-88 MHz) to High Band (130-174 MHz) by swapping out the RF/IF
module. Production began in 1984. Fair Radio has these for $495 with antenna,
low band only. From time to time, Murphy has these also, sometimes in both
frequency bands. Ref #2, 4, 6
The AN/PRC-126
RT-1547/PRC-126 came along as a simplified PRC-68B, low band only. It kept the
display, but lost that complicated wide/narrow and 2.5 kHz stuff, and added a
display light. Therefore, it is back to 25 kHz channels, and no possibility some
grunt can set it wrong. This is the present Army/Marine combat hand held, and it
entered service in 1986. Units sell for $500-750. Ref #2, 4, 6
The AN/PRC-128
The PRC-128 (Scope Shield I) is a PRC-126 but with 12.5 kHz channel spacing for AF guard duty. It has the ability to operate in “high band” by swapping out the RF/IF module. In low band, it has “wide band” FM deviation, while in high band, it has “narrow band” FM deviation. Market price seems to be similar to that of the 126. Ref #2, 4
PRC-136 is, I suspect, an all narrow band version of the PRC-128. It is NBFM to
be compatible with civilian services. A High Band only version is in service
with the Marine Corps for their Crash Fire Rescue Service (CFRS). Ref #9
From what little evidence there is, it would seem there was stiff competition for the three band Scope Shield II radio. Ultimately won by Racal (with a product ultimately called the AN/PRC-139), this brought to a close the long production run of Magnavox (now Raytheon) handhelds. It is thought that the following models were submitted in this competition.
1. Racal, AN/PRC-134
· PRC-134(V)5(C), Low Band, NSN 5820-01-349-9173
· PRC-134(V)6(C), High Band, NSN 5820-01-351-4531
· PRC-134(V)7(C), UHF, NSN 5820-01-349-9171
2. Magnavox, AN/PRC-135
· RT-1675/PRC-135, Low Band, NSN 5820-01-351-6278
· PRC-135(V)2(C), High Band, NSN 5820-01-351-6279
· PRC-135(V)3(C), UHF, NSN 5820-01-351-6820
3. Motorola, ???
Mobile Power Amplifier Units
of these units had a vehicular RF/AF/Power Supply module to allow powering from
the vehicle, amplification of RF and AF signals, and unit mounting while in the
vehicle. These are as follows. Ref #8
OG-174 for Army fire control
PRC-139 (NSN 5820-01-369-6046)(Scope Shield II,
Racal, not Magnavox), OF-228 (Note: this radio covers three bands by module
replacement, not just the two bands of the PRC-68B, 128.)(Listed for reference
Additional Information
There are a number of additional nomenclatures
floating around that would tend to indicate that additional different versions
of these basic designs were produced. However, little physical evidence seems to
exist that there was any significant production. There are many possible
explanations of this. For instance, when the program began, the AN/PRC-68B with
a low band module installed was called an AN/PRC-68B(V)1, and with a high band
module installed was called an AN/PRC-68B(V)2. (Ref #3, Magnavox generated
preliminary manual.) However, when the very same program was further
along, most references to the “(V)1 and (V)2” had been dropped, although the
actual units are labeled AN/PRC-68B(V). (Ref #3, Magnavox generated final manual.)
This shows that nomenclature can sometimes change during the existence of a
In addition, Magnavox’s advertising literature
for this product (assumed generated before a sale was made) shows a unit
slightly different from what was eventually produced (having rear RF ports,
presumably for the external power amplifier). They labeled the Low Band version
PRC-68B and the High Band version PRC-68(X-4). Yet, in the 1989 Janes (Ref #5),
the low band version is called the PRC-68(X-2) while the high band version is
called the PRC-68(X-4). This shows that many times, a company will make a few
prototypes with some kind of nomenclature, either government supplied or self
generated, in order to show them off and perhaps entice an order.
Of course, there is always the possibility of an
actual government contract for a few test units that never makes it into
production, or has a very limited production run for a specialized purpose, or
is bought by a foreign government.
In any event, the following is a list of orphan
units, other than the ones listed above, about which very little is known. Ref
#5, 6, 7
AN/PRC-68X, a single channel unit whose frequency
is selected by front panel switches. This appears twice in the 1989 Janes (Ref
#5), once claiming to be in production, and once claiming “no longer in the
manufacture’s inventory.” Others claim this designation refers to a high
band PRC-68.
AN/PRC-68L, a ten-channel unit that looks just like
the original PRC-68 except it has only two modules inside. There is a switch to
choose between 25 kHz channel steps and 50 kHz steps. This appears to be a
developmental model, and most likely was not microprocessor controlled. It most
likely offered the same channel arrangement as the PRC-68, i.e. ten at 200 kHz
spacing. At least two examples are in the hands of the collecting community, but
neither of them works. Ref #5 (1990-91 issue), 13
PRC-68, NSN 5820-01-079-9260
-5820-882-10/TM 07827A-10/1, Operator Manual
-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2, Org & DS Maint Manual
PRC-68A, NSN 5820-01-180-8943
TM 11-5820-882-23&P-1, Unit &int DS Maint Manual
TM 06827B-24/2, Org & Int Maint Inst. Manual
PRC-68B, NSN 5820-01-179-7027 (5820-01-248-2852
high band)
MX-63-107, Ops Inst.
MX-63-121, Ops and Maint Inst. with IPB
PRC-126, NSN 5820-01-215-126
TM 11
-5820-1025-10, Ops Manual
TM 11
-5820-1025-?? (MX-63-114B), Ops & Maint Inst. with IPB
PRC-128, NSN 5820-01-288-0626
TO 31R2-4-810-1, Ops & Maint Inst. with IPB, Org
TO 31R2-4-810-3, Maint Inst. with IPB, Depot
PRC-136, NSN 5820-01-390-9438
“History of the Squad Radio,” Marvin W. Curtis, ECOM Report # 4451
Manufacturer’s advertising literature and/or technical reports
The Technical Manuals for the individual units
Jane’s Military Communications, 1981 and/or 1989 and/or 1994-5
Military Collector Group Post, 7/20/99
Military Collector Group Post, Condensed PRC Data, 10/22/98-11/3/98
Information provided by Joseph Pinner
Military Internet Posting
Information and pictures provided by Tom Bryan
“Military Communications, Test for technology, the U.S. Army in
Vietnam,” John D. Bergen
Military Collector Group Post, Mystery Radio, The AN/PRC-88, Backmail #41
Mike Frye
proceeding is an updated version of an article that originally appeared in the
"Military Collector Group Post"; an international email magazine
dedicated to the preservation of history and the equipment that made it.
Unlimited circulation of this material is authorized as long as the proper
credit to the original author(s) and publisher (or the group) is included. For
more information concerning this group or membership, contact Dennis Starks
A list of selected articles of interest to members can be seen at: http://www.softcom.net/users/buzz/backmail.html