Racal TRA-921,
also called Racal Syncal, is a solid state portable HF radio, built in the UK.
It is one of the many radios that Racal built between the 60s and the 80s for
military and paramilitary purposes.
It was used by armies throughout the world.
Frequency is switched by decade switches, an ATU is built in.
The GDR used this radio to develop their mobile and portable HF radios like SEG-15 and SEG-100.
So, for example, the antenna bases of the TRA-921 and the SEG-15 are identical.
Connectors for handsets of UK radios by Racal or the Clansman- series
look identical at first sight; but the outer bolts are different. Besides,
there are many ways to connect the handsets. Difference of the connectors and the different ways to connect handsets are shown

- Frequency range:
- 2.0 ... 7.999 MHz
Technical data:
- HF output low / high:
- SSB: 5 / 20 W PEP
- AM: 1.5 / 5 W carrier
- Frequency step:
- 1 kHz
- Mode:
- Powered by:
- 18 V battery or PSU
- The 6-pin connectors of the SEG- series ( SEG 15/100) can be used
- Issued:
- ~ 1970