AM-598 / U
is the mobile vibrator power supply for PRC-8, PRC-9, und PRC-10.
With 24 V input, it provides all the necessary voltages. It contains a NF- amplifier for a 600-Ohm- loudspeaker.
An internal selector switch changes the settings for
PRC-8, PRC-9, PRC-10 or PRC-8A, PRC-9A, PRC-10A
Main difference:
PRC-8, -9, -10: have 5 IF- Amplifiers AM-427/U (U101 to U105)
PRC-8A, -9A, -10A: have 4 IF- amplifiers AM-427A/U (U101 to U104)
Only the English handbook showed this difference.
CY-744 A/PRC is the French version of a mobile power supply. It is attached below the transceiver,
like the battery box.
CY-744 A/PRC,
Accessories for Prc-8, -9, -10 in the museum:
Control set GRA-6
consisting in Remote Control C-433/GRC and Local control C-434/GRC.
Power supply,
For portable reasons and substituting the anode battery, this French
set provides all necessary voltages from a 12 V battery.
Relais cable CX-1961/U,
A relais using two PRC-x can be built; two handsets can be connected to the cable..
Antenna set RC-292
It is a mast with an adjustable groundplane antenna.
Bag CW-216/PR with accessories:
Handset, short antenna, long antenna mit foot;.
Carrying harness ST-120/PR-GY