After WW II,
is the first short wave radio introduced in NATO. It is not Transceiver, but transmitter
and receiver are built in separate modules and must be tuned separately.
The system GRC-9 can operate with every AM station, which operates between 2 and 12 MHz. It can be used as stand-alone device or within group stations.
- Frequency ranges:
2... 12 MHz, AM with 3 frequency ranges: - Range 1: 6.6... 12 MHz
- Range 2: 3.6... 6.6 MHz
- Range 3: 2.0... 3.6 MHz
Technical data:
- Type of the signal transmission:
- Carrier palpation (A1)
- Palpation of the modulated carrier (a2)
- Phonie (A3)
- Transmitting power: due to TDv.5820/3-01 u. TM 11-263
- with DY-88/ GRC9 high: 7 Watt Fonie, 15 Watt CW
- low: 1 Watt Fonie, 5 Watt CW. "
- with Hand-generator GN-58-A: High: 3,6 W Fonie, 10 W CW
- low: 1,2 Watt Fonie, 5 Watt CW.
- Range
- Phonie: 30 km
- CW: 50 km.
- Number of tubes:
- Transmitter: 5 piece
- Receiver: 7 piece
- Calibration:
- Built-in xtal oscillator
- Power consumption:
- 13.2 A at 12 V.
Complete Set GRC-9 (see below):
- Transmitter/Receiver RT-77 GRC 9;
Mounting frame MT350; Hand generator GN-58-a; Power supply (transformer) DY-88; Bag BG-174 for antenna equipment;
Bag BG-172 for other accessories (antennas, morse key, small articles, tube box etc..); Mast base MP-65-a.
